A deep dive into

Google Shadow Orders

Find orders Google doesn't show you. Outsmart Google by leveraging their ad platform in unconventional ways to unlock hidden revenue. Uncover overlooked opportunities, high-value placements, reduce your costs, and boost your ROI.

Written By Adam Sturrock

What is a Google Shadow Order?

A Google Shadow Order is an order you won’t capture through traditional Google strategies or your PPC agency. It counter-intuitively augments your existing strategy. Shadow Orders beat the algorithm and outsmart Google using one or a combination of the following:
Keeps Your Plans Secret
Doesn't share your budget, conversion values, ROAS and goals with Google to stop them maxing out your budget as fast as possible.
Buys Embarrassingly Cheap
Deliberately seeks the cheapest possible traffic, not the ones that fit your ROAS and budget.
Hunts The Longest Tail
Go beyond your traditional keyword strategy. Utilize a long tail of esoteric keywords like "iPads for nuns".
What is a Google Shadow Order?
Google Shadow Orders - Hidden Revenue

Are You Missing Out on Hidden Revenue?

Google's ad system is designed to maximize their profits, often at your expense. Google Shadow Orders represent the hidden opportunities that Google doesn’t want you to see. By controlling the data you share and how you report your ad performance, you can uncover these profitable ad spaces, reduce your costs, and significantly improve your ROI.
Unlock new customer segments.
Reduce ad spend while increasing ROI.
Capture low-competition, high-intent traffic.

Go Beyond Google's Algorithm

Google’s algorithms are built to drive up your ad costs by leveraging every piece of data you share. By withholding certain data and tweaking your reporting, you can unlock Google Shadow Orders—the overlooked ad placements that offer better value. Are you ready to outmaneuver Google’s profit-driven system?
Avoid inflated bidding costs.
Reach customers that your competitors miss.
Leverage a blend of Google’s data, external sources and independent insights for smarter ad strategies.

Your Competitors Are Finding Google Shadow Orders Right Now

The sample below, derived from over 3,000 live Shopify stores, highlights the average percentage of shadow orders achieved across various industry categories. These shadow orders are additional revenue opportunities generated by the Order Legend Shopify app. The percentages shown represent the incremental revenue you can expect by leveraging our app to capture these hidden sales opportunities.

Existing Orders

Shadow Orders %

Autos & Vehicles
People & Society
Arts & Entertainment
Home & Garden
Gifts & Special Events
Beauty & Fitness
Consumer Electronics

Explore the Full Story

Dive into the hidden side of Google Ads. These must-read articles reveal insights into ad auction algorithms, costly myths, and the secret strategies Google uses to drive up your ad spend. Discover how you can turn these challenges into opportunities and reclaim lost revenue.
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